Industries That Benefit from Translation Services

  • AUTHOR Ellie D.
  • PUBLISHED ON: 1월 20, 2022
  • PUBLISHED IN: Industries

The demand for translation has surged in recent years, thanks to the enormous growth of global communication. Almost every industry can take advantage of translation services at some point, especially businesses that want to expand their customer base in the international market. Following is a list of 9 industries that can greatly benefit from translation services.

Top 9 industries where translation services are beneficial

Medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical


Medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical are global sectors, especially in this COVID-19 situation. Dosages, medical booklets, and other reports must be well translated so that everyone can receive the proper treatment they need while understanding doctors’ instructions.


Also, in terms of humanity, most people in poor developing countries who constantly need medical and healthcare support do not understand English. This makes languages services for the medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical fields even more important as they play a vital role in saving millions of lives.



Biology is another technical field that has steadily increased as a result of the global pandemic. Countries and scientists have to conduct many types of research to learn more about the virus and slow its spread. This industry is strongly reliant on translation services, or translation to be more specific, to ensure the accuracy of clinical trials, reports, manuals, and many more.


In the highly regulated biological sector, translators must have a thorough understanding of the subject area while also securing advanced skills and expertise in the target language. For biological sciences companies that are looking to enter new markets, partnering with a language service provider is essential to avoid translation gaffes.



Languages services are needed for various legal documents such as contracts, court cases, statements, etc. Not having contracts and other legal materials translated can sometimes lead to complex legal problems. This is especially paramount if the legal affair occurs in different countries with different languages and legal systems. By using translation services from a certified language company, you can rest assured that your data is secured and the translations are of the highest quality.



Marketing is all about effectively delivering a brand’s messages to customers and driving sales. As the industry is widely known for providing services that expand around the world, content must be adapted to fit each region’s values and tastes. The goal is to maintain the consistency of the brand’s image since certain words and idioms may not be relevant to other languages. With marketing translation services, all these details will be taken into account to create a campaign that works best in your target market.



Technology businesses often have to interact with multilingual customers. For that reason, players in the tech industry often have their websites in multiple languages, sometimes even with different graphics, to better suit the target audiences. Without professional support from a language service provider, you won’t stand a chance in front of other businesses in the same field.



The automotive business is a globally developed sector with a complex infrastructure. By translating the relevant content, your message will be conveyed in a hassle-free manner, leaving a good impression despite the language barrier. This sector will continue to develop for years to come, as the major shift will be towards emerging markets such as Russia, China, Brazil, India, and others. It is expected that the demand for quality translation services will increase to meet the demands of the global customer base.



The machinery field is quite distinct, and so are machinery translation services. Incorrect translation of a particular part of your machine can result in inappropriate use and eventually damage your business reputation. Therefore, it is crucial to work with a language service provider with expertise and efficiency to handle all the complicated industrial terminologies. This will keep your company’s image professional and up to date.

Banking and finance


As the banking and financial sector is getting more competitive, transparent communication between parties is necessary. A good way of doing this is to communicate in the client’s language. Financial documents, forms, policies, transactions available in different languages can help the industry meet their clients’ expectations and build better business relationships.



Education keeps the whole civilization moving forward. Hence, it shouldn’t come in just one language. Translation services allow students with different linguistic backgrounds to access valuable study materials, such as textbooks, e-courses, research, and many other types of content. Plus, this helps students’ parents communicate better with schools and teachers during the educational process.

On a final note


Quality translation services can have a significant impact on your business on a global scale, regardless of what industry you are in. As a leading language company, MOBICO offers multiple translation services in 180+ languages with accuracy and speed. Specializing in Asian languages, our qualified and subject-matter linguists ensure that your translated content perfectly suits the local culture. Reach out to us now for more information!