Expanding Globally: Website Translation and Best Practices

  • AUTHOR Jennie
  • PUBLISHED ON: 11월 13, 2023
  • PUBLISHED IN: Translation

In today's highly interconnected world, the Internet has facilitated global communication. People have come to expect content presented in their native language. Whether it's Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, or any other language, catering to diverse linguistic preferences is vital for businesses seeking to enter new markets. 

In this article, we will delve into the importance of translating your website, key considerations during the translation and localization process, and explore who can assist you with the website translation. Let's embark on the journey of mastering website translation together.

The Benefits of Website Translation/Localization

While some may argue that having an English website is sufficient due to its global prevalence, the reality tells a different story. Let's delve into the numbers:

1. ​According to a report by Common Sense Advisory, a staggering  75% of consumers  express a greater likelihood to purchase products or services when the information is presented in their native language.

2. Remarkably,  87% of non-English speaking and non-English reading consumers  are unlikely to purchase from an English-only website.3. 

3. ​57% of consumers  prioritize obtaining information in their own language over price considerations, underscoring the importance of linguistic accessibility.

4. According to California State University, 74% of multinational enterprises perceive localization as the most crucial factor in driving revenue growth from global operations.


These statistics validate the significance of speaking your customer's native language to effectively engage them and expand your business into new international markets.

 website translation 

What to Consider 

Target Audience Analysis

Before diving into website translation, it is essential to understand your target audience in each market thoroughly. Conduct research to gain insights into their cultural nuances, preferences, and browsing behaviors. This knowledge will guide you in tailoring your content effectively and adapting it to resonate with your audience's specific needs and expectations.


Localization and Cultural Adaptation

Website translation goes beyond merely converting words from one language to another. It requires a comprehensive localization approach that involves adapting the content to the target culture. This includes taking into account cultural sensitivities, customs, symbols, imagery, and idiomatic expressions. By ensuring cultural relevance, you can establish a deeper connection with your audience and build trust.


User Experience (UX) and Design

Maintaining a seamless user experience during the translation process is paramount. The translated content should fit harmoniously within the website's layout, maintaining readability and functionality. Pay attention to factors such as text length, font choices, and alignment to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly experience across all languages.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Implementing effective SEO strategies is crucial for the visibility of your translated website in search engine results. Conduct keyword research specific to each target language to optimize your content and enhance discoverability. Employing localized keywords and meta tags can improve your website's ranking and attract organic traffic from different regions.


Consistency and Brand Voice

Consistency is critical to maintaining your brand identity across multiple languages. Establish a style guide that outlines key terminology, tone, and writing guidelines to ensure a unified brand voice in all translated versions. Consistent branding fosters trust and familiarity among your audience, reinforcing your brand's image and message.


Legal Considerations

When undertaking website translation, it is crucial to account for the legal aspects that may vary across different countries and regions. Certain industries, such as gambling, cryptocurrencies, cigarettes, and alcohol, are subject to specific regulations and restrictions that can differ significantly. Conduct thorough research to understand your target markets’ legal framework and compliance requirements. For instance, the minimum legal drinking age is 18 in some countries and 21 in others, like Japan. By staying informed and adhering to the legal requirements of your target markets, you can ensure a smooth and compliant website translation process.


By carefully considering these aspects throughout the website translation process, you can create a localized experience that resonates with your target audience, maximizes user engagement, and drives business growth in international markets.


Choosing a Translation Partner

In general, when it comes to website translation, you have two primary options: hiring a language service provider (LSP) or conducting in-house translation.


If you prefer complete control and want to handle all translation aspects in-house, the in-house translation approach may be the best choice. However, it's essential to acknowledge that this is a do-it-yourself approach. You'll need to assemble and manage your own translation team, potentially making complex decisions along the way. If you choose this path but lack sufficient internal resources for translation work, you may need to hire new employees or engage freelancers. While in-house translation provides full control over the process, it requires close monitoring to ensure nothing is overlooked.


On the other hand, partnering with a Language Service Provider offers a comprehensive solution where most of the work is handled for you, provided you are willing to cover the associated costs. The LSP will assess your requirements, evaluate the current state of your website, offer recommendations, and carry out the translation process. Suppose your company has the budget to cover the expenses, prefers not to assemble a dedicated translation team, and requires the expertise of experienced professionals. 


In that case, a professional language agency like MOBICO is what you need. With more than 40 years of experience in translating and localizing Asian languages, MOBICO can provide top-notch localization services for our customers. We have a wide range of native-speaking translators that can provide translation for up to 180+ languages. Furthermore, our staff always strive to give you the best. 



In today's globalized world, translating your website into multiple languages ​​is crucial for reaching and engaging international audiences. By doing so, you can increase customer trust, improve user experience, and drive revenue from global markets. Whether you choose in-house translation or partner with a language service provider (LSP), careful consideration of factors like target audience, cultural adaptation, user experience, SEO, brand consistency, and legal requirements is essential.


At MOBICO , we understand the challenges of website localization and offer comprehensive localization services to help businesses overcome language barriers and expand globally. Our experienced team of linguists delivers accurate and culturally appropriate translations tailored to your industry and target audience.