Up coming language service webinars in August, 2023

  • AUTHOR Jennie Tran
  • PUBLISHED ON: 8월 8, 2023
  • PUBLISHED IN: Uncategorized

This August, the language industry comes alive with a series of enlightening webinars that promise to be a game-changer for language professionals and businesses. These webinars offer a unique opportunity to explore the latest trends, breakthroughs, and advancements in the ever-evolving world of language and translation. In this article, we have carefully selected a list of webinars that you shouldn't overlook !

 Hosted by








American Translators Association (ATA)​​


Essential Steps for Starting and Staying in the Translation Businesses


  • Discover the basics of the translation market and your position in it.
  • Understand client needs and how to meet them.
  • Learn how to effectively price your services.
  • Gain an understanding of what to expect in the early years of your business.

Fernando Cuñado​



12:00 pm (EDT)​


45 minutes

ATA member: Free​


American Translators Association (ATA)​​


The Ins and Outs of Machine Translation in Trados Studio​


  • Use your own translation memories to customize MT results. Identify which settings are important to integrate MT into your workflow.
  • Use MT in various ways in Trados Studio, including interactive translation and pre-translation.
  • Use MT engines in Trados Studio, with clear step-by-step instructions.

Nora Diaz​



12:00 pm (EDT)​


 90 minutes​


 ATA Member: $70

Non-Member: $90​​

Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)​


[LIVE WEBINAR] All-Things Automation


This presentation aims to define all the above concepts relating to automation in the translation industry and clear up the fog, and we will also give a practical step-by-step guide on getting started with automation. While we will get a little technical, the webinar is also suitable for non-technical participants with a couple of years of experience in the translation industry.

István Lengyel​​



10:00 a.m. (UTC+1)

 60 minutes

GALA Members: Free

Non-Members: $75​​



ELearning best practices feat. Abhilasha Choudhary​


In this new episode of Nimdzi Live, we invite Abhilasha to discuss the latest trends and strategies in the industry. We will cover everything from learner personas, need diagnostic studies, course design, and learning management systems to tools, technology, and AI.

Tucker Johnson​



11:00 pm​

(GTM +7)




Get ready to mark your calendars and embark on a journey of discovery and growth in the language industry alongside MOBICO team!